Renowned throughout the Hudson Valley, the Mahopac High School Academy provides an alternative learning environment for students who face challenges in a traditional high school setting. The Academy supports students from Mahopac, along with tuition-paying students from neighboring districts, by providing a tailored educational experience that fosters healthy social and emotional skills.
Academy students recently gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday and kicked off the festivities by expressing their gratitude about the program and their fellow Academy peers.
“This is my third year,” Mahopac Academy student Makayla Heyer said. “I’ve never felt more supported and cared for and I have never felt as close to people as I do here. The students make up such a supportive and uplifting community.”
“Our Academy Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to gather together and remind our students that they will always have a seat at our table,” Mahopac High School Academy social worker Suzanne Mayer said. “Our students are truly incredible and impressive young people. I know I speak on behalf of the entire Academy team when I say we are so grateful to be a part of their journey here in Mahopac.”
With flexibility being an integral part of the Academy, students may take some elective courses in the high school and participate in all high school extracurricular activities, including music ensembles, clubs and athletics.
“The Academy program provides a therapeutic environment where all students can feel safe being their authentic selves and have a sense of belonging,” Mayer said. “Connection and compassion are at the core of everything we do, and our students thrive because of it.”