Special Education & Pupil Personnel Services
The Mahopac School District Vision and Mission Statement
The Mahopac school district strives to become Schools of Excellence that produces exceptional members of society.
The Mahopac school district develops educated, upstanding citizens with practical life skills through rigorous preparation for the real world.
Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Department of the Mahopac School District
Each child has his or her own individual learning needs. To help ensure that these needs are met, the Mahopac school district offers a continuum of special education services for those students that have been classified as having a disability by the district’s Committee on Special Education (CSE).
Our Team
Team Members
Rebecca Ivicic
Secondary Chairperson of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) Grades 6-12
Email: Ivicicr@mahopac.org
Mary Eberling
Elementary Chairperson of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) Grades K-5
Email: Eberlingm@mahopac.org
Geri Healy
Transition Coordinator
Email: Healyg@mahopc.org
Phone: 845-621-0656 ext: 11426
Norma Griffiths
Email: Griffithsn@mahopac.org
Phone: 845-621-0656 ext: 13716
Lisa Porco
Secretary to the Director
Email: Porcol@mahopac.org
Phone: 845-621-0656 ext: 13705
Jyotsna Prasad
Secretary to the Assistant Director/Out of District -Elementary/ Section 504 Referrals
Email: PrasadJ@mahopac.org
Phone: 845-621-0656 ext: 13707
Jennifer Burns
CPSE Secretary/Out of District - Secondary
Email: BurnsJ@mahopac.org
Phone: 845-621-0656 ext: 13702
Monika Rejman
Elementary CSE Secretary
Phone:845-621-0656 ext: 13703
Kristin Barker
Secondary CSE Secretary
Email: BarkerK@mahopac.org
Phone:845-621-0656 ext: 13717
Related Service Providers
Speech / Language Therapists
Patricia Basani - Fulmar Road
Brigitte Denniston - Austin Road
Karen Fraga - Middle School
Virginia Giordano - High School & Falls Academy
Michelle Iannone - Fulmar Road
Rebecca Kassirer - Austin Road
Kristy Lesko - Lakeview
Kristen Miele - Lakeview
Ruth McDonagh - Austin Road
Kelly Mena - Districtwide
Occupational Therapists
Gianna Brigante - Lakeview
Taylor Curran - Fulmar Road
Jessica Taveras - Lakeview
Meghan Reinhardt - Austin Road and Fulmar Road
Michaela Knight - Austin Road
Tara Robinson - Middle School and High School
Physical Therapists
Krystine Alvear - Fulmar Road, High School, and Middle School
Mia Azcue - Lakeview
Dana Pinatello - Austin Road
Parent Information and Training Session
Caregiver Training - Session 2 - Behavior: Increasing Desired Behaviors at Home and in Your Community
Presented by STAR Autism Support
March 26, 2025 | 5 - 6 pm | ZOOM Click here to view zoom link
Vocational Services Post-High School
Presented by Putnam County agencies
April 9, 2025 | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | To receive the invitation link for this session, please fill out the Google Form provided. Registrants will receive the link via email a few days before the meeting.
Continuum of Services:
Below is a brief description of some of the available special education program options:
Alternative Programs
The goal for academy alternative programs is to empower students so they are equipped and ready to meet their post secondary goals.
The interdisciplinary team of teachers works with students, parents and other members of the school community to provide individualized, innovative, engaging and fun learning experiences. Faculty of both academy programs act as advocates for the success of all students in an environment that is rigorous yet forgiving; where mistakes are viewed as opportunities and every day is a new day.
The Falls Academy program is located at the District Office at Mahopac Falls at 100 Myrtle Avenue. The Academy program is located at Mahopac High School. A brief description of each program is listed below.
All referrals packets for the Falls Academy and Academy program should be sent to:
Contact: Jeffrey Cole
Email: OODreferral@mahopac.org
Parent Presentations
IEP Overview
Overview of the IEP development process for school age students (5-21) IEP Overview
CPSE Overview: Link
Collaboration Portal
The Collaboration Portal will allow you to receive items for your consent and review in a timely manner. The e-signature feature will expedite the turnaround time for our office to process paperwork. You will be notified via email from Frontline Education that a document is available for your review/signature. You will be asked to enter an access code which will consistently be the first three letters of the student’s last name (Upper Case) plus his/her date of birth in mmddyyyy format. Example: MUR03182015
Note: if a student has fewer than three letters in his/her last name, the full last name is included with the date of birth.
Please select this link to access a video tutorial about the Frontline Collaboration portal: Link
Please select this link to access a parent user guide for the collaboration portal: Link
Please select this link to access a parent user guide in Spanish for the collaboration portal: Link
Learning Standards
New York State ELA Standards
The NYS Learning Standards are not a curriculum. The New York State Education Department does not require, recommend, endorse, or advise on curriculum. All curriculum and instructional decisions are made at the local level. Districts and schools choose and/or develop curricula, curricular materials, and instruction to meet the individual needs of their students, and to support all students in gaining the skills and knowledge articulated in the NYS Learning Standards.
New York State Math Standards
The NYS Learning Standards are not a curriculum. The New York State Education Department does not require, recommend, endorse, or advise on curriculum. All curriculum and instructional decisions are made at the local level. Districts and schools choose and/or develop curricula, curricular materials, and instruction to meet the individual needs of their students, and to support all students in gaining the skills and knowledge articulated in the NYS Learning Standards.
Two Hour Delay or Snow Days impact on CSE/CPSE/504 Meetings
If school is closed due to inclement weather, the CSE/CPSE/504 meeting previously scheduled will be rescheduled.
If there is a delay in the start of the school day, all CSE/CPSE/504 meetings scheduled prior to the delayed opening for your child's particular building will be rescheduled.
Adult Career and Continuing Educational Services - Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) is an organization that assists individuals with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and to support independent living. Once a student is found eligible for ACCES-VR services, then a counselor is assigned to meet with the student and/or family to discuss employment goals and begin career planning. The majority of ACCES-VR’s services become available after a student has graduated or exited high school.
Best Buddies - What is Best Buddies?
Blueprint for Improved Results for Students with Disabilities
This Blueprint focuses on seven research and evidence-based core principles and practices for all students with disabilities.
Exiting Credential Information (Graduation/Safety Net Info)
Exiting Credential Information (Graduation / Safety Net Info)-Spanish
Mahopac District Plan for Special Education (2015)
Mahopac SEPTO
Meal Modification Form for Students with Disabilities
New York State Diploma and Credential Options
Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
Students with significant developmental disabilities may be referred to the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Once eligibility is determined, OPWDD services begin while the student is still enrolled in school and continues into adulthood.
Overview of Support Services Birth to Grade 3 (from NYSED)
This is a guide to navigate the special education system for children from birth to third grade. It includes an overview of the Early Intervention Program (EIP) and programs and services available to preschool children and school age students with disabilities in New York State.
Parent Guide to Special Education
To ensure students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment, there are essential and fundamental procedural rights and protections afforded to parents by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the federal regulations that implement IDEA [34 CFR Part 300], Article 89 of the New York State (NYS) Education Law, and Part 200 of the NYS Commissioner’s Regulations.
The Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3–21: A Parent’s Guide is intended to provide parents and persons with parental relationship with:
a broad overview of the special education process in NYS; and
a resource to help understand some of the rights and protections provided by federal and New York State law and regulations to parents and students throughout the process.
Parent Guide to Special Education (In Spanish)
Guía para padres sobre educación especial
Para garantizar que los estudiantes con discapacidades reciban una educación pública adecuada y gratuita en el entorno menos restrictivo, existen derechos y protecciones procesales esenciales y fundamentales otorgados a los padres por la Ley federal de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA), las regulaciones federales que implementan IDEA [34 CFR Parte 300], Artículo 89 de la Ley de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYS) y Parte 200 de las Regulaciones del Comisionado del Estado de Nueva York.
La Educación especial en el estado de Nueva York para niños de 3 a 21 años: una guía para padres tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los padres y a las personas con relación parental lo siguiente:
una visión general amplia del proceso de educación especial en el Estado de Nueva York; y
un recurso para ayudar a comprender algunos de los derechos y protecciones brindadas por las leyes y regulaciones federales y del estado de Nueva York a los padres y estudiantes durante todo el proceso.
Procedural Safeguards
The procedural safeguards are your legal rights under federal and state laws to be informed about and involved in the special education process and to make sure that your child receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE).
Procedural Safeguards (In Spanish)
Las garantías procesales son sus derechos legales según las leyes federales y estatales a estar informado e involucrado en el proceso de educación especial y a asegurarse de que su hijo reciba una educación pública gratuita y apropiada (FAPE).