Service Learning
According to the National Commission on Service Learning, service learning is “a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.” Service learning combines SERVICE with LEARNING.
Report from the National Commission on Service Learning
Service learning can be completed through any pre-approved service learning organization listed on our website, as well as:
Mahopac High School clubs and athletic teams
Mahopac District Schools
The Mahopac Sports Association
Mahopac Youth Sports Clubs
Any non-profit organization
We strive to keep our list of pre-approved sites as comprehensive as possible. Students can complete their service learning requirement through more than one organization beginning the summer before grade 9.
MHS Service Learning Graduation Requirement Reminder:
Students are required to complete a minimum of 60 hours of Service Learning as a Graduation Requirement. Some of our students complete service learning hours above and beyond the 60 hour requirement. Students who complete over 300 hours of community service will receive special recognition at the end of their Senior year.
Students can complete their service learning requirement through more than one organization beginning the summer before grade 9. Our recommendation is that students complete 15 hours per year.
Additional Service Learning Opportunities
Incoming freshmen are required to complete 60 hours of service learning at a non-profit agency for graduation. Our recommendation is that students complete 15 hours per year.
Service Learning Process
New Procedures for Submitting Service Learning Hours Digitally: Please see the presentation below for submitting service learning hours directly into infinite campus:
Please submit your 60 service learning hours no later than the first week of June of your senior year to fulfill your graduation requirements.
Some of our students complete service learning hours above and beyond the 60 hour requirement. Students who complete over 300 hours of community service will receive special recognition at the end of their senior year. Those who have completed 300 hours please submit no later than May 15th of your senior year to assure recognition.
Please submit your 60 service learning hours no later than the first week of June of your senior year to fulfill your graduation requirements.
Students who plan to complete over 300 hours, please submit no later than May 15th of your senior year to assure recognition.