Welcome to the Mahopac High School PTO! The PTO funds and supports numerous school programs which includes: senior scholarships, senior day at Camp Kiwi, teacher grants to enrich students’ learning experience, hosting guest speakers which includes our Holocaust Remembrance field trip, Student Health Fair as well as other school programs and activities. We rely on membership to help us fund the various programs mentioned and would greatly appreciate your support.
DeCicco School Rewards - (Brewster & Somers locations)
Help raise money for MHS by registering your DeCicco's card through the rebate program. Click on the link, fill out the "contributor form" and select Mahopac High School.
Contributor Card Enrollment & Update Form
DeCicco Family Markets - (Jefferson Valley location)
Not affiliated with DeCicco & Sons. No online sign up. Tell the cashier at the checkout you are with Mahopac High School.
CLASS OF 2025 - Senior apparel and lawn signs will be available for presale. More info to follow!
$10.00 annual membership dues help fund scholarships and educational grants. It also entitles you to vote on agenda items, if you choose to attend meetings. Please click on the link below to complete your membership form. Payment can be made by check payable to MHS PTO (Drop off or mail to school) or through our Mahopac HS PTO Online Store.
If you have any questions, concerns or needs, please email us @
Thank you for your support. Wishing you all a safe and successful school year!
Mahopac High School PTO